Saturday, April 27, 2019

U.S. Census - Citizenship Question

U.S. Census - Citizenship Question

U.S. Census - Citizenship Question

Something that has been in the news I have viewed on Alphabet's YouTube has been discussions about the U.S. Citizenship question included every ten years. Did some background and found some information I would like to post. The reason the citizenship question is asked is to determine the number of citizens in each Congressional District. This keeps representation fair. This information also helps protect non-citizens here legally as guests, (a.k.a. : law-abiding guests) and foreign infiltrators here in the United States illegally (a.k.a. : criminals) from casting a ballot.

To me, learning if the citizenship question was something new and un-tested was important. ABOVE: The screen shot from the U.S. Census information site illustrates the past inclusion of the citizenship question in our census data. Alongside helping to determine representation in our Congress and voting legitimacy Federal Funds, are apportioned according to the need of our citizens (education funding, infrastructure funding, and social welfare funding). Citizens have the right to receive their fair share, in my opinion.


Because of the census of citizens of the United States Of America, we can tabulate how many eligible citizens did not cast their ballot during the 2016 Presidential Election Cycle. Voting is one of the few responsibilities alongside obeying the law required.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Doctrine?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Doctrine?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Doctrine?

Have been reading about the Green New Deal. About how this young lady speaks for "America's" future. I started the process to write her office tonight, 8 April 2019, and discovered that the only way to contact her office is by cell-telephone unless one resides in her district. Which leads me to cell telephones... are cell-phones impacting the environment? The batteries powering the telephones?

Just my quick two-cents. Downloaded HR116 - Resolution 109 and will go through it carefully (citing the evidence, mainly). One important thing I decided to examine was the epic victory of Representative Cortez. A Congressional District is apportioned 700,000 eligible citizens to cast ballots (because of wisdom of citizenship questions on the census we know this). The lady received ~17,000 votes according to Gotham Gazette. Truly epic!! There is a fine breakdown of the General Election in her District at Ballotpedia She received ~111,000 votes during the general election... destroying her opponents. What is interesting is that there are ~350,000 members of the D.N.C. in her 14th Congressional District of New York.

Am humbled by United States Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She has so many good ideas on how to force me to live by a set of standards put forth by her political handlers (have read a bit about this). Would like to see some proof in the pudding. Let her publish her beautician and cosmetic expenses. We ordinary deplorable Americans might want to see evidence of her commitments. Like abstaining from the use of cosmetics that are human collagen-based. Just passive exemplary behavior so she can be a role model. Molding young women to be concerned about the toxic waste generated during the manufacturing of cosmetics. Maybe stop using fossil-fuel extracts in her clothing and wardrobe which would mean elastic bands, straps, and buttons... most zippers.Alongside the use of aborted fetuses and donated human blood-plasma to make feminine make-up apply to the face smoothly, what about the toxic waste generated by poisonous cosmetics and the plastics going into landfills as toxic waste? Another thing, since I do not intend to stop eating beef, is her neglect of the topic about recycling cow-farts. When dealing with an issue (so to speak) one must discuss the topic with intelligence and thoroughly dissect said discussion.

Tonight, 5 May 2019, while surfing, I ran across some interesting information. Methane as a greenhouse gas has entered the discussion of global warming. The NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) is tasked with collecting temperature information and making inferences using the data collection. A scientific paper published by the NOAA is beginning to unravel the global warming theory and is worth noting when looking at Representative Cortez's own theories about global warming. Watts Up With That, a blog about this poor methodology by the NOAA is located here. Apparently, the temperature gathering sites were surrounded by asphalt and metals that got hot in the sun and skewed the data. Looking at this a bit closer, urbanization itself is contributing to global warming, alongside, many other factors including green house gas and cow farts.Am noting a PDF that is available online for my further research.