Genetically Engineered Foods
Disclaimer: This is a hypothetical parody of the plentiful, inexpensive, and wide variety of foods in the marketplace.
"The diversity of food crops available today has shrunk to a small percentage of those available just 100 years ago. And is likely to shrink even more as the “Big Six” – Monsanto, DuPont, Syngenta, Dow, Bayer, BASF – begin to buy up the remaining crop and garden seed companies." []
We cannot reverse capitalism. We can use consumer purchasing under the capitalism model to keep capitalism healthy. An aware consumer buys wisely. So am jotting some notes as I think. One of the things I heard is "Organic sustainability."
On December 12th I was just sitting here minding my own business, and started to read the fine print on some of my food containers. Lo and behold... Clover Valley and Tasty Cake contain Genetically Modified Products. Am just thankful they label their products to inform us.
Will be having this on my mind tomorrow morning when eating my cereal. Wonder why the print is so small?First thing this morning.
Breakfast:13 December 2016. Modified shredded wheat cereal. Am going to do research about this because even the milk may be modified.
My coffee. The non-dairy creamer is not natural in the first place. How can it be genetically modified? Am sitting here trying to enjoy my coffee. Arrg. Have been sitting here thinking,... used milk for a second cup of coffee. The grains that feed to milk cattle are probably gmo also. So I am guessing that altered foods have permeated our diets which is some scary business.
Sipping my delicious cup of coffee while texting this very sentence. Thinking of these GMO items and the long-term risks to my health. And I just checked. My French Fries from dinner last night, below.
Delicious Fake Fries
The image above begs me to ask, "Is the salt genetically altered?"
Just got finished reading an article about animal genetic experimentation. Posted a short comment here.
This is the night of December 27th and am watching a video on Amazon Prime named Food, Inc. OMG! An investigative reporter has gone inside the food production combine that is America. Am going to investigate further. Did a search and found a post "Illusions of diversity" which I cited at the beginning of this post. At the bottom of their blog are some additional resources: information about our food. Have been running across additional phrases such as, "Clever re-arrangements of corn," and, "Faster, fatter, bigger, cheaper." Along with the statistic, "70% of foods on the supermarket shelf contain GMO's." Apparently, it is against the law to criticize poor food quality. So I do want to make it clear that this is just parody. I like the availability of cheap and inexpensive foods as much as anyone.
I have really been monitoring how I spend my precious money at the store because of this movie. I blogged about another package of baked potatoes that illustrates the availability of good, clean, and pure food on our market shelves. Should really check out "Food, Inc". when you have the opportunity.